حقوق الطبع والنشر ©2023 داري الإنسان

38 Thousand Patients Attended Dary Human Medical Clinic and Health Centers During the Last Four Months

The number of patients attending Dary Clinic in Baghdad and Dary four centers set up in the refugees camps in Anbar during August was 83,205 divided as follows: 11521 patients attended Dary 1, 112471 patients attended Dary 2, 5867 patients attended Dary 3, 1178 patients attended Dary 4, 1575 attended Dary Clinic in Baghdad, while 1178 were examined by the Organization moving team.

Funded by WHO, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Anbar Health Directorate, Dary Human provided those persons with primary healthcare services, complete medication, emergency services, analyses, dental services, children and pregnant women vaccines. In addition, women health services were provided at Dary Center 2, funded by the United Nations Population Fund. The other centers will hopefully start providing health services for mothers and pregnant women by mid-September.

Furthermore, Dary has completed its preparations for starting its medical work in Salah Al-Deen Province and the liberated areas of Nineveh Province. The Organization extends its thanks and appreciation to all international organizations, State institutions, and drug companies and stores for their cooperation and contributions.

Watch Dary work at its first center in Bzaibiz.

If you have the desire to contribute effort or money to Dary’s campaigns, please contact us on

07730266277 or 07730255277

or daryhuman@gmail.com

or visit our website: http://daryhuman.org/.


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