حقوق الطبع والنشر ©2023 داري الإنسان

DARY enter the nutrition system for (Sallamia)  and (Jeda'a)  in Nineveh with the funding of UNICEF

Dary enter the nutrition system for (Sallamia)  and (Jeda& 39;a)  in Al-Mosul in Nineveh province . 

DARY, funded by the United Nations Children& 39;s Fund (UNICEF), started implementing the nutrition project through its centers (Dary 6) in Sallamia  and (Dary 7) in (Al-Jeda& 39;a)  on 1st of July , 2018.

Dary carried out the project through the formation of two groups, one of them in the two centers mentioned above, and the other mobile teams traveling in ( Sallamia)and (Al-Jeda& 39;a) camps to distribute essential nutritional materials for mother and child, such as milk, food supplements, vitamins and minerals. The awareness came to detect and treat acute malnutrition for the children in this camps.

According to the prepared study for the implementation of the project, it will continue for three consecutive months starting from 1/7/2018 to provide intensive nutrition for women and children.

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Tags : 39;a)  , DARY, , 39;s , 39;a)

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