حقوق الطبع والنشر ©2023 داري الإنسان

For the second time Respectively, DARY Human Organization is contributing to the implementation of an effective field survey campaign launched by the Anbar Health Department to take samples from suspected cases of (Covid-19) virus in Amiriyate Al-Falluja camps for the displaced (IDPs)

in addition to equipping the infected with medicines for the treatment protocol approved by the MoH.

 DARY organization team participated in the campaign, and in cooperation with the AlFaris Alarabi Health sector, took over the task of sterilizing the tents of those in contact and the infected, after confirming their infection through the Crisis Cell, while providing them with vitamins and prevention supplies.

 The campaign was also accompanied by presenting the preventive instructions that must be followed by camp residents and stressing the need to adhere to the decisions of the Crisis Cell, the most important of which are social distancing and the use of protective equipment to prevent the spread of the virus in the IDP camps in Amiriyate Al-Falluja.

To inquire, donate and volunteer in DARY organization please contact: (07730255277-07730266277) or e-mail daryhuman@gmail.com or visit our 
website http://daryhuman.org/ or 
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DaryHuman/

To contact the head of the organization, please contact the following addresses:



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