حقوق الطبع والنشر ©2023 داري الإنسان


 DARY Organization provided its medical service to (18,559) beneficiaries of its health centers and maternity unit in Anbar and Nineveh governorates, while it conducted developmental workshops for female health staff from 9 different governorates in the field of Reproductive health.
 The number of medical beneficiaries of the centers and delivery room funded by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the cities of Sinjar, Tal Mark, and Al-Jada’a in Nineveh Governorate reached (11,090) individuals, including (2,588) children. The number of normal vaginal deliveries also reached (64), including the births of (29) male children.  (35) were female, while (307) patients were transported by ambulance to specialized hospitals.
 Also in Anbar, the number of beneficiaries of medical services in health centers and mobile clinics run by DARY Organization reached (7,469) people, including (1,046) children, in addition to other services obtained by beneficiaries in the field of child vaccination, mental health support, and laboratory tests available in some work sites.  The organization also provides health awareness in different topics to (6,594) beneficiaries.
In the field of health development and awareness, the organization implemented workshops to develop 66 trainees in the field of reproductive and women’s health from 9 governorates (Baghdad, Diyala, Dhi Qar, Nineveh, Kirkuk, Muthanna, Diwaniyah, Karbala, Najaf) with support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and cooperation with the Ministry of Health, to receive training in providing medical advice to women using DTM to explain new clarifications on developing mechanisms for regulating reproductive health, childhood and the family.


To inquire, donate and volunteer in DARY organization please contact: (07730255277-07730266277) or e-mail daryhuman@gmail.com or visit our 

website http://daryhuman.org/ or 

Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DaryHuman/


To contact the head of the organization, please contact the following addresses:



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  • انسام سليمان حميد
    انسام سليمان حميد
    1 Year Ago

    انا متخرجه لسنة قسم قباله وتوليد اذا بحاجة كادر طبي اني موجوده ومتفرغه _محافظه الانبار

  • عمادالدين محمد احمد
    عمادالدين محمد احمد
    1 Year Ago

    السلام عليكم.:لدي خبره في الحراسات الامنيه وكذلك خبره في قيادة سيارات الاسعاف اتمنى ان اجد عمل في منظمتكم المحترمه... سكني الموصل
    Peace be upon you.: I have experience in security guards, as well as experience in driving ambulances. I hope to find work in your respected organization... Resident in Mosul.

  • سالم وليد
    سالم وليد
    1 Year Ago

    السلام عليكم أنا معوان مختبر اقدم ....وكذلك اعمل في شعبة الطوارئ في أيام خفارتي زرق ابره تشكيل كانولا متفرغ للعمل

  • احمد مصطفى خليل
    احمد مصطفى خليل
    1 Year Ago

    اني خريج علوم حياة ومتدرب على التحاليل المختبرية ومتفرغ للعمل مع منظمتكم،،تحياتي

  • احمد مصطفى خليل
    احمد مصطفى خليل
    1 Year Ago

    اني حاصل على شهادة بكالوريوس في علوم الحياة ومتدرب على التحاليل المختبرية ومتفرغ للعمل مع منظمتكم ،،تحياتي

  • خضير احمد جاسم محمد
    خضير احمد جاسم محمد
    1 Year Ago

