حقوق الطبع والنشر ©2023 داري الإنسان

DِARY diwaniyah first

Grateful and thanks to the people of Diwaniyah valued hospitality and altruistic self for the service of humanity .. 
“DِARY diwaniyah first” blood donation campaign marked by the participation of 150 people and the support of popular and official referred stigmatized them. 
Fingerprint is the first in this generous conservative but it will not be the last, especially since the blood donation campaign was a rare blood factions to be provided to patients without question those it will be for whom or and anyone that would inject blood, everyone is his main concern was that the man provides for his brother some of his blood. 
Thanks for the dozens who came to donate was not so lucky .. Thanks to the volunteers and community and civic individuals who contributed to the success of the first campaign of DِARY diwaniyah first .

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